What is Children’s Diabetes?

Despina Children's Diabetes Foundation > What is Children’s Diabetes?

“Children are the future of the world, let’s start with the children.”

What is Children’s Diabetes?

Despina Children’s Diabetes Foundation is focused on type 1 diabetes which is children’s diabetes but the Foundation can help people with diabetes type 2 if requested.

Type 1 and type 2 diabetes are different diseases, but they both affect the body’s use of insulin. Type 1 diabetes in children, previously called juvenile diabetes, occurs when the pancreas is unable to produce insulin. Without insulin, sugar cannot travel from the blood into the cells, and high blood sugar levels can result. Treatment involves lifelong insulin use and blood sugar monitoring, diet and exercise management to help keep blood sugar levels within the target range. Type 1 often appears during childhood or adolescence, but it can start at any time.

Type 2 diabetes is less common in young children, but it can occur when insulin is not working properly. Without enough insulin, glucose can accumulate in the bloodstream. People can often manage type 2 diabetes through a change in diet, more exercise, maintaining a healthy weight. Sometimes the person will need medication. The chance of getting type 2 diabetes increases as people get older, but children can also develop it.

Some symptoms are common to both types of diabetes. The most common symptoms of type 1 diabetes among children and adolescents include increased thirst and urination, hunger, weight loss, fatigue, irritability, fruity smell on the breath, blurred vision. Girls might develop a yeast infection. Weight loss is often a common symptom before diagnosis.

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What people Say?

Children with Type 1 Diabetes

Undiagnosed People Living with Diabetes

Adults Were Living with Diabetes

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Pregnancies Affected by Diabetes